Goodbye Mom Guilt, Hello Creativity September 15 2015, 0 Comments

As parents, especially moms, I think our brains are overloaded with to-do lists, household responsibilities, pick-up schedules, and work demands. We’re racked with mom guilt if we dream of spending precious free time away from our families. This is not a great cocktail for connecting with yourself, the people around you, or even the environment.

It also makes it hard to tap into your own creative channels. And when I say "creativity," I don't mean the act of scrapbooking, or painting, or sewing a dress from scratch (unless, of course, that's the perfect outlet for you). I'm talking about that free space where our minds can roam without stress and are primed to discover new things. This is why I think it's important to carve out “me” time (translation: make it part of your daily routine) — creativity takes time and practice to nurture, too.

So, ditch the self-blame game. It’s more than okay to learn new things, expand your art, and relish in the luxuries of “me” time. Give yourself a break with these 10 tips for restoring your energy and enjoying the day-to-day:

  1. Create a daily / nightly / weekly routine to set your mind up for flow. Because schedules can be a juggle, pick a dedicated time that works for you and your family and honor it. Did you know that some of the most creative minds thrived under a set routine?
  1. Start your day by setting an intention. It can be as simple as selecting a coffee mug that reflects your day’s state of mind, picking a word-of-the-day that mirrors your goals, looking at handmade art from your child, or meditating. (I recommend these mindfulness apps for on-the-go, which all moms are.)
  1. Explore. Give yourself a “dream day” for a new experience. Try learning new skills, no matter how busy. Even try new routes on the drive home.
  1. See things through fresh eyes. Try picking up your camera. Get down on your kids’ level. Sleep!
  1. Always dream of painting? Go for it. Our CEO Phoebe Hayman sets up a home studio and unplugs on the weekend when her kids are enjoying their free time.
  1. Try you hand at morning pages. Free-form journaling (without any revising along the way) for a set time every day is said to make your dreams a reality. Keep a pen and notebook on your nightstand to make this easy. 
  1. When you hit a creative roadblock, try sorting…even laundry. The activity of sorting for at least five minutes has been shown to revive you and overcome your creative rut.
  1. Unplug from technology or your daily obligations and head out with no agenda. Follow your impulses and see where the road takes you for an afternoon.
  1. Stop entertaining creativity killers—fear, comparison, distractions, guilt. You’re doing an amazing job. So, be kind to yourself.
  1. Assemble a creativity toolbox that keeps you ticking and focused on your work. For some, it includes candles. For others, it’s a journal. Or maybe even a good luck statuette. Think of including books, movies, music, and art that inspire creativity. 

    We'd love to know your go-to ways to stay creative.  Share with us in the comments below!